When you’re outfitting a fleet or simply need back up dash lights that can be deployed quickly and easily without unnecessary wiring, you know that you can’t go with budget options that will skip, short, and simply not deliver the glare that you need to display your official purpose. The greatest aspect of the dash lights employed by emergency vehicles is to communicate with other drivers on the road.
To do this, they must be reliable, quick to deploy, and overall, show-stopping-bright. Ultra Bright Lightz specializing in providing superior quality emergency LED lighting that is straightforward and compatible in nearly all circumstances. What’s even better is that they’re emergency lighting is affordable, and above all else, bright and highly visible.Easy Installation, No Extra Frills
At Ultra Bright Lightz, you will find dash lights for nearly any emergency situation that can be installed without any extra wiring, either to the vehicle or internally. This means that the pieces effectively plug into the vehicle and are already programmed internally with a variety of colors and patterns so you can set up and be on the road in minutes. For some of their models, installation is quite literally as simple as plugging an adapter into the cigarette lighter port, sticking the suction cups on the window, selecting flash pattern and color, and hitting the gas. There are even flash guards on some models to prevent glare from the windshield so that your lights shine everywhere except into your eyes. Whether you need something as simple as a single color unit with twelve diodes or a dual color unit with multiple settings and customizations, you will be sure to find it at UItra Bright Lightz. All of this comes at a low price and the quality of their equipment is guaranteed not only to be rugged but also to deliver the brightest results on the market.
Ultra Bright Lightz for Affordability and Compatibility
When you’re shopping for new or reserve dash lights, you no doubt expect bright lights that will continue to serve reliably and for the long haul. It would be nice if they were more affordable than a custom job requiring special installation, as well. That’s why Ultra Bright Lightz is here to help. Not only is the equipment at Ultra Bright Lightz durable, but it is also guaranteed, in many cases, for two years. As if this weren’t enough, they have a 30-day return policy, a $9.99 flat rate shipping policy, and bulk pricing options. This all comes as a bonus and compliment their already impossibly low prices. And if affordability, ease of installation, and ease of deployment weren’t enough, the fact that their units require no additional wiring or installation means that their lights are compatible with nearly any model they can be plugged into. It also means service and replacement is simplified. When it’s time to switch the lights, add more lighting, or upgrade the configuration, it’s a simple job. Check out UltraBrightLightz.com to see what they can do to change your emergency lighting game, today!